Acta Chimica Sinica ›› 2004, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (2): 112-119. Previous Articles     Next Articles


朱倩, 姚建华, 李丰, 陈海峰, 袁身刚   

  1. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所, 计算机化学重点实验室, 上海, 200032
  • 投稿日期:2003-08-11 修回日期:2003-10-10 发布日期:2014-01-26
  • 通讯作者: 袁身刚,

A Novel Approach to Acquire Reaction Knowledge by Classification of Reaction Data

ZHU Qian, YAO Jian-Hua, LI Feng, CHEN Hai-Feng, YUAN Shen-Gang   

  1. Key Laboratory of Computer Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032
  • Received:2003-08-11 Revised:2003-10-10 Published:2014-01-26

Although a huge amount of reaction data are available, chemists still feel inconvenient to find relevant information from these data. The main reason is that the current reaction databases are based on substructure searching which is an approach quite different from that chemists often use. This problem is solved by a novel approach, which acquires reaction knowledge finely described in a layer model by executing twice classification on the reactions. In the first layer classification the reactions are classified in a hyperspace created based on a set of widely applicable reaction descriptors named first order reaction descriptors. On the basis of the results of the first classification, we can extract the common structural characteristics that are used as the reaction descriptors in the second layer classification and lead to a finer classification. Thus, we can obtain the reaction cores from the second finer classification of the reactions. By integration of specific reactions, reaction cores and reaction types, the reaction knowledge can be more rationally organized in a generic reaction knowledge base with better utilization.

Key words: generic reaction, reaction core, structure descriptor, chemical super-space