Acta Chimica Sinica ›› 2008, Vol. 66 ›› Issue (24): 2735-2741. Previous Articles     Next Articles

Original Articles


李 想a 陈志云b 尹屹梅*,a 张洪斌a


  1. (a上海交通大学化学化工学院 高分子科学与工程系 上海 200240)
    (b华东理工大学化学与分子工程学院 上海 200237)

  • 投稿日期:2008-01-29 修回日期:2008-06-12 发布日期:2008-12-28
  • 通讯作者: 尹屹梅

Effects of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfonate on the Sol-gel Transition of κ-Carrageenan

LI, Xiang a CHEN, Zhi-Yun b YIN, Yi-Mei *,a ZHANG, Hong-Bin a   

  1. (a Department of Polymer Science and Engineering, School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology,
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240)
    (b School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237)
  • Received:2008-01-29 Revised:2008-06-12 Published:2008-12-28
  • Contact: YIN, Yi-Mei

The effects of anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDSN) on the sol-gel transition of κ-carrageenan (κ-CAR), an anionic polysaccharide, have been investigated by different techniques including rheology, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and UV-Vis spectrometry. It has been found that, SDSN, at low concentrations (cSDSN<5 mmol•L-1), slightly promoted the gelation of κ-CAR due to a weak salt-out effect, whereas at higher concentrations (c>5 mmol•L-1), SDSN not only obviously decreased the sol-gel transition temperature of κ-CAR, but also formed a new ordered structure in the gel matrix of κ-CAR. The patterns of interactions between κ-CAR and SDSN were discussed. And a mechanism of cooperative interactions of electrostatic repulsion, competition for K+and hydrophobic interaction has been proposed to interpret the experimental results.

Key words: κ-carrageenan, surfactant, sol-gel transition, polysaccharide, sodium dodecyl sulfonate (SDSN)