化学学报 ›› 2004, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (15): 1392-1396. 上一篇    下一篇



关莉莉, 段连运, 谢有畅   

  1. 北京大学化学与分子工程学院, 物理化学研究所, 北京, 100871
  • 投稿日期:2003-12-11 修回日期:2004-03-15 发布日期:2014-02-17
  • 通讯作者: 谢有畅,E-mail:yxie@pku.edu.cn;Fax:010-82864029 E-mail:yxie@pku.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Adsorptive Separation of N2 and Ar on Modified NaA Zeolites

GUAN Li-Li, DUAN Lian-Yun, XIE You-Chang   

  1. Institute of Physical Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871
  • Received:2003-12-11 Revised:2004-03-15 Published:2014-02-17

采用水溶液离子交换法分别制备了不同Li+和Ca2+交换度的A型分子筛,并在25℃下测定了各分子筛吸附剂的氮和氩的吸附等温线及穿透曲线.研究发现,锂交换和钙交换的两种分子筛的氮吸附量和氮氩分离选择性都随分子筛中阳离子交换度的增加而增大;在阳离子交换度较高时,锂离子和钙离子交换的A型分子筛的氮氩分离能力均优于NaA分子筛.穿透曲线的结果显示,所研究的各种吸附剂都存在一个最优的吸附分离压力,大约在0.6 MPa.在0.6 MPa下,接近100%阳离子交换度的CaNaA分子筛的动态氮氩分离性能优于相同交换度的LiNaA分子筛.

关键词: NaA分子筛, 氮氩分离, 吸附等温线, 穿透曲线

The NaA was ion-exchanged with Li+ and Ca2+ cations in water solution, then the adsorption isotherms and breakthrough curves of these zeolites were measured at 25℃.The data demonstrate that, for the NaA exchanged with Li+ or Ca2+, the higher the content of Li+ or Ca2+ in the A zeolite, the better the N2 adsorption capacity and the adsorption selectivity of N2 over Ar.The NaA zeolites exchanged with Li+ or Ca2+ have better adsorptive separation properties than NaA itself while the ion exchange level is high.From breakthrough curves it is known that the zeolites we studied have a suitable pressure for adsorption separation of N2 and Ar.In the pressure range we studied, the best pressure is about 0.6 MPa.At this pressure, the A zeolite which is nearly completely exchanged by Ca2+ has better adsorptive separation property for N2 and Ar than that exchanged by Li+ at the same exchange level.

Key words: zeolite NaA, separation of N2 and Ar, adsorption isotherm, breakthrough curve