化学学报 ›› 1953, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (2): 93-102. 上一篇    下一篇


宫原泰幸, 梁树权   

  1. 华东农林部张店农业药厂研究室 山东
  • 投稿日期:1952-10-09 发布日期:2013-06-04

A New Volumetric Method for the Determination of Fluorine

Yasuyuki Miyahara   

  1. Research Laboratory,Changlien Agricullural Chemicals Mig. Co., Changlien, Shanghai
  • Received:1952-10-09 Published:2013-06-04


In view of the necessity of a rapid and accurate process for the determinution of fluorine applicable in the analysis of sodium fluoride and other fluorine compounds, the author has established a new volumetric process consisting in the titration in aqueous-alcoholic medium with ferric nitrate as standasd solution and sodium salicylatc as indicator.