化学学报 ›› 1953, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 109-116.    下一篇



汪厚基, 陆时言, 曹思启   

  1. 中国科学院冶金陶瓷研究所
  • 投稿日期:1953-02-04 发布日期:2013-06-04

Phntometric Determination of Magnesium in Cast Iron with Titan Yellow

Hou-Chi Wong, Shih-Yen Loh, Szu-Chi Dzao   

  1. Institute of Metallurgy and Ceramics, Academia Sinica
  • Received:1953-02-04 Published:2013-06-04


An electrophotometric method has been worked out for the determination of magnesium in cast iron using titan yellow as indicator.Briefly,the method consists of dissolving the sample in dilute sulphuric acid,separating iron and other metals such as copper and nickel by electrolysis with mercury cathode and precipitating manganese from ammoniacal solution with ammonium persulfate.Ammoniwn salt,silica,and traces of alumina.ase thenremoved.Finally,the prepared titan yellow reagent is added to the solutionand the magnesium content determined from the electrophotometric reading.The time required for each determination is approXimately 5 hours.