化学学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 63 ›› Issue (6): 512-518. 上一篇    下一篇




  1. (四川大学华西药学院 成都 610041)
  • 投稿日期:2004-09-23 修回日期:2004-11-30 发布日期:2010-12-10
  • 通讯作者: 詹先成

Studies on Stability of Dicloxacillin Sodium with Programmed Humidifying Experiments

YIN Xiao-Dong, ZHAN Xian-Cheng*, LI Lin-Li, LI Cheng-Rong, LIN Tao, ZHAO Qiang, HE Ning   

  1. (West China School of Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041)
  • Received:2004-09-23 Revised:2004-11-30 Published:2010-12-10
  • Contact: ZHAN Xian-Cheng

报道了一种研究固体药物对湿度稳定性的新的实验方法——程序变湿法, 通过一次程序变湿和一次程序变温加速试验, 得到与湿度和温度有关的药物降解的全部动力学参数; 设计了用电子计算机控制程序变湿和程序变温的装置, 其湿度波动小于±0.5%, 温度波动小于±0.1 ℃; 以双氯西林钠为体系, 采用线性程序变湿和倒数程序变温实验研究了其稳定性. 结果表明程序变湿和变温加速实验与恒温恒湿对照实验得到的降解动力学参数基本一致.

关键词: 药物稳定性, 程序变湿加速, 程序变温加速, 降解动力学, 双氯西林钠

A drug stability experiment with dicloxacillin sodium in the solid state as a model was investigated by programmed humidifying method. A computer-controlled humidifying and heating system was established. The stability of drugs which were unstable to both heat and moisture could be studied by only one programmed humidifying experiment and one nonisothermal experiment instead of by many conventional classical isothermal experiments at constant relative humidity. In our established system, a pocket computer was used to control a common environmental chamber to obtain programmed humidifying and heating models. This controlling system was found to be quite accurate and reliable. The results from the experiments indicated that the kinetic parameters obtained were comparable to those from classical isothermal experiments.

Key words: drug stability, programmed humidifying experiment, nonisothermal experiment, degradation kinetics, dicloxacillin sodium