Acta Chimica Sinica ›› 2012, Vol. 70 ›› Issue (02): 114-120.DOI: 10.6023/A1109252 Previous Articles     Next Articles

Full Papers


王允圃a,b, 刘玉环a,b, 阮榕生a,b, 万益琴a, 张锦胜a,b, 彭红a   

  1. a. 南昌大学生物质转化教育部工程研究中心 南昌 330047;
    b. 南昌大学食品科学与技术国家重点实验室 南昌 330047
  • 投稿日期:2011-09-25 修回日期:2011-11-30 发布日期:2012-02-25
  • 通讯作者: 刘玉环
  • 基金资助:

    江西省国际合作(No.20101208);科技部国际合作(No.2010DFB63750);江西省自然科学基金(No.2008GZH0047);江西省科技厅产业化关键技术攻关(No.2007BN12100);国家自然科学基金(No.30960304);国家林业局(No.9482010-4-09)和食品科学与技术国家重点实验室自由探索(Nos.SKLF-TS-201111, KLF-TS-200814)资助项目.

Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Generation from Sodium Stearate Decarboxylation by Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis

Wang Yunpua,b, Liu Yuhuana,b, Ruan Rongshenga,b, Wan Yiqina, Zhang Jinshenga,b, Peng Honga   

  1. a. Nanchang University, Engineering Research Center for Biomass Conversion, Ministry of Education, Nanchang 330047;
    b. Nanchang University, State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang 330047
  • Received:2011-09-25 Revised:2011-11-30 Published:2012-02-25
  • Supported by:

    Project supported by International Cooperation of Jiangxi Province (No.20101208);International Science & Technology Cooperation Program of China (No.2010DFB63750);Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province (No.2008GZH0047);Jiangxi Province Department of Science and Technology (No.2007BN12100);National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30960304);State Forestry Administration;P. R. China (No.9482010-4-09) and State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology (Nos.SKLF-TS-201111;KLF-TS-200814).

Renewable hydrocarbon fuel have significant advantage to biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester). The purpose of present study was to explore decarboxylation mechanism of fatty acid sodium salt with microwave radiation. Sodium stearate (C18) was chosen as a model compound, the carboxy-terminal of this dipolar molecular was further polarized with microwave radiation. The Lorentz force of ions or dipolar molecules were moved in accordance with the way of electromagnetic waves, contributing to the formation of carbanion, which effectively promote the decarboxylation reaction. Glycerol possessing high dielectric constant were added which formed a “high-temperature locus” that lowed the activation energy of decarboxylation reaction and played a role as the hydrogen donor. The liquid products were analysed and the results showed C8~C20 n-alkanes and n-alk-1-enes were arranged regularly which complied with the law of hydrocarbon pyrolysis. All the work proved the feasibility of deriving renewable hydrocarbon fuel from fatty acid sodium salt by microwave pyrolysis.

Key words: microwave pyrolysis, sodium stearate, polarization, decarboxylation, hydrocarbon