有机化学 ›› 2004, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 106-108. 上一篇    下一篇



周幸福*, 赵俊峰, 何惠, 褚道葆   

  1. 安徽师范大学化学与材料科学学院有机化学研究所 芜湖 241000
  • 收稿日期:2003-04-14 修回日期:2003-06-13 接受日期:2003-08-08 发布日期:2022-09-21
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(No. 29873039)、安徽省自然科学基金(Nos. 00046112, 00043157)、安徽省教育委员会自然科学基金(No. 2002kj116)资助项目.

Direct Electrochemical Preparation of Copper Complexes

ZHOU Xing-Fu*, ZHAO Jun-Feng, HE Hui, CHU Dao-Bao   

  1. Institute of Organic Chemistry, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000
  • Received:2003-04-14 Revised:2003-06-13 Accepted:2003-08-08 Published:2022-09-21
  • Contact: *E-mail: xfzhu@263.net

采用金属铜为“牺牲”阳极,首次在无隔膜电解槽中,电化学溶解金属铜一步制备了纳米CuO前体Cu(OEt)2, Cu(OBu)2, Cu(acac)2, Cu(OEt)(acac), Cu(OBu)(acac) (acac为乙酰丙酮基).产物通过红外光谱(FT-IR)、拉曼光谱(Raman spectrum)进行表征.同时讨论了影响电合成铜醇盐及其配合物的关键因素.实验表明,防止阳极钝化,温度控制在30~50 ℃,采用有机胺溴化物为导电盐, 电极电位控制在0.8~1.2 V之间,可以提高电合成效率.实验同时表明Cu(acac)2, Cu(OEt)(acac), Cu(OBu)(acac)可作为制备含铜纳米材料前驱体.

关键词: 铜配合物, 电解合成, 纳米材料, “牺牲”阳极

Copper complexes were directly prepared by electrochemical dissolution of copper in a cell without separating the cathode and anode spaces. The products were characterized by FT-IR and Raman spectra. The influence of temperature and conductive additives on product yield was also investigated. The experiments show that the temperature controlled under 30~40 ℃ and selecting R4NBr as conductive additivesimprove product yield. The data also show that direct electrochemical preparation of copper complexes have high current efficiency and electrolysis yield. Thesecopper complexes have high purity and can be directly used as precursor of nanometer oxides.

Key words: copper complex, electrosynthesis, nanometer material, sacrificing anode