Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry ›› 2004, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (8): 916-922. Previous Articles     Next Articles


赵萍a, 尹应武*,a,b   

  1. a清华大学化学系 北京 100084
    b清华紫光英力化工技术有限责任公司 北京 100084
  • 收稿日期:2003-05-08 修回日期:2003-12-05 接受日期:2004-03-04 发布日期:2022-09-20
  • 通讯作者: * E-mail:; Fax: 010-62793514.
  • 基金资助:

Studies on the Anodic Cyanation Reaction to Synthesize α-Aminonitriles

ZHAO Pinga, YIN Ying-Wu*,a,b   

  1. aDepartment of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084
    bBeijing TH-UNIS Insight Co., Ltd. Beijing 100084
  • Received:2003-05-08 Revised:2003-12-05 Accepted:2004-03-04 Published:2022-09-20

Six-membered cyclic α-aminonitriles were prepared fromanodic cyanation of N-benzylpiperidine. Low current, CH3OH/H2O and CH3CN/H2O used as solvent, tetraammonia salt such as Et4NOTs and Et4NBr used as surfactant are propitious to the reaction under constant current electrolysis. Graphite as anode can give the similar result to platinum. The potentiostatelectrolytic condition of 0.9~1.4 V (vs. SCE), low temperature and low substrate concentration offered good yields (above 90%) of α-aminonitriles. Themechanism of the reaction was studied and the amount of isomers was depended onthe adsorption status at the anode surface and stability of intermediate was also studied under potentiostat electrolysis.

Key words: anodic cyanation, electrolysis, N-benzylpiperidine, α-aminonitrile