化学学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 80 ›› Issue (3): 340-358.DOI: 10.6023/A21120545 上一篇    下一篇

所属专题: 中国科学院青年创新促进会合辑



李崇b, 李娜b, 常立美b, 谷志刚a,b,*(), 张健a,b   

  1. a 中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室(闽都创新实验室) 福州 350108
    b 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 福州 350002
  • 投稿日期:2021-12-05 发布日期:2022-01-07
  • 通讯作者: 谷志刚
  • 作者简介:

    李崇, 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所与福州大学联合培养2021级硕士研究生, 主要从事MOF薄膜的制备与应用研究.

    李娜, 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所与福州大学联合培养2020级硕士研究生, 主要从事MOF薄膜的制备与应用研究.

    谷志刚, 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所研究员, 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员, 博士生导师. 2014年获卡尔斯鲁厄理工大学(KIT)博士学位, 随后在KIT从事博后研究, 2015年在中科院福建物质结构研究所结构化学国家重点实验室任副研究员、2018晋升为研究员和博士生导师. 主要从事表面配位金属-有机框架薄膜(SURMOF)的组装及其在多个领域的功能与应用研究, 包括拓展其在非线性光学(光限幅)、光电薄膜器件、分子(手性)识别与分离等领域.

  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(21872148); 中国科学院青年创新促进会(2018339); 中国福建光电信息科学与技术创新实验室(闽都创新实验室)基金(2021ZR131)

Research Progresses of Metal-organic Framework HKUST-1-Based Membranes in Gas Separations

Chong Lib, Na Lib, Limei Changb, Zhigang Gua,b(), Jian Zhanga,b   

  1. a Fujian Science & Technology Innovation Laboratory for Optoelectronic Information of China, Fuzhou 350108
    b Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou 350002
  • Received:2021-12-05 Published:2022-01-07
  • Contact: Zhigang Gu
  • About author:
    These authors contributed equally to this work
    Dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS.
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(21872148); Youth Innovation Promotion Association, CAS(2018339); Fujian Science & Technology Innovation Laboratory for Optoelectronic Information of China(2021ZR131)

发展高效、绿色且节能的物质分离与纯化技术具有重要意义, 气体分离更是在工业、能源、医疗及科技等领域有着广泛的应用. 传统的聚合物膜在实现高效气体分离方面还面临许多挑战, 新型分离膜材料的开发是当前研究热点和难点. 金属-有机框架(Metal-Organic Frameworks, MOFs)材料作为一种新兴多孔配位聚合物, 由于其具有独特可设计的拓扑结构以及可调节的功能而受到科学家们的广泛关注. 为了克服粉体或块体MOFs很难被高效用于气体分离的难题, 开发可用于分离的MOFs膜材料是一项具有重要意义且具有挑战性的任务. HKUST-1作为一种代表性的MOFs材料, 由于其结构稳定且原料经济并具有多级孔径的结构, 常被用作制备成膜材料用于气体分离的研究和实际应用. 总结了近十年HKUST-1膜的制备方法及其气体分离性能的研究进展, 并对这个方向的研究提出了自己的看法和展望.

关键词: 金属-有机框架, HKUST-1膜, 合成方法, 气体分离

The development of high-efficiency, green and energy-saving material separation and purification technology is of great significance, and gas separation has a wide range of applications in the fields of industry, energy, medical treatment and technology. Since traditional polymer membranes still face many challenges in achieving high-efficient gas separation, the development of new separation membrane materials has become the current hotspot and difficult issue. As an emerging porous coordination polymer, metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) materials have attracted great attention due to their unique, designable topological structures and tunable functionalities. In order to overcome the problem that bulk or powder MOFs are difficult to be used for gas separation efficiently, it is of great significance and a challenging task to develop MOFs membranes for separation. As a representative MOF material, MOF HKUST-1 is widely used to prepare membranes for gas separation due to its advantages of high stability, economic raw material and hierarchical pore structure. The preparation methods and gas separation performances of the HKUST-1 membrane in the past ten years are summarized, and some viewpoints and the research prospect on this research area are described.

Key words: metal-organic framework, HKUST-1 membrane, synthesis method, gas separation