化学学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 82 ›› Issue (12): 1226-1233.DOI: 10.6023/A24090286 上一篇    下一篇



张雨琦, 占辰, 贡祎, 陆峰*(), 范曲立*()   

  1. 南京邮电大学 有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室 材料科学与工程学院 南京 210023
  • 投稿日期:2024-09-23 发布日期:2024-11-14
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(52373142); 国家自然科学基金(21605088); 南京邮电大学自然科学基金(NY223100)

PEGylated Mesoporous Silica Coated Conjugated Polymer for NIR Phototheranostics

Yuqi Zhang, Chen Zhan, Yi Gong, Feng Lu(), Quli Fan()   

  1. State Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics and Information Displays, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023
  • Received:2024-09-23 Published:2024-11-14
  • Contact: E-mail: iamflu@njupt.edu.cn;iamqlfan@njupt.edu.cn
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(52373142); National Natural Science Foundation of China(21605088); Natural Science Foundation of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications(NY223100)

近红外荧光成像及光学治疗技术在生物医学领域受到了越来越多的关注, 为各种疾病的诊疗提供了全新的手段. 近年来, 高性能光学诊疗试剂的开发已成为相关领域的研究热点. 本工作将共轭聚合物包裹在高度聚乙二醇化的介孔二氧化硅中, 获得了高稳定、高亮度、高生物相容的近红外光诊疗试剂. 该材料在近红外一区(NIR-I)和近红外二区(NIR-II)都具有较强的荧光发射, 并且在730 nm激光照射下具有较高的光热转换效率(40.5%)和单线态氧量子产率(5.2%). 利用该材料同时对小鼠进行NIR-I和NIR-II成像能够消除个体差异和随机性误差, 更加准确地比较两种荧光成像模式. 通过皮下肿瘤模型, 发现NIR-I成像能够提供更高的肿瘤-肝脏信号比, 有利于皮下肿瘤的早期诊断和初步定位. 而NIR-II成像具有更高的信噪比和分辨率, 能够更加清晰地描绘肿瘤轮廓且不受动物毛发自发荧光干扰, 在荧光成像指导的手术切除方面更具优势. 此外, 该材料联合了光热和光动力学治疗方式, 在活体抗肿瘤实验中表现出优秀的光学治疗效果.

关键词: 共轭聚合物, 介孔二氧化硅, 近红外二区, 光学诊疗, 荧光增强

The near-infrared fluorescence imaging and phototherapy technologies have garnered increasing attention in the biomedical field, providing novel approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. In recent years, the development of high-performance phototheranostic agents has become a research focus in the related fields. This study encapsulated conjugated polymers (CP) within highly polyethylene glycol (PEG)-grafted mesoporous silica nanoparticles (CP@mSiO2-PEG), resulting in a highly efficient near-infrared phototheranostic agent with high stability, brightness, and biocompatibility. The obtained material exhibited strong fluorescence emission in both the first (NIR-I, 700~900 nm) and the second (NIR-II, 1000~1700 nm) near-infrared regions, along with a high photothermal conversion efficiency (40.5%) and a singlet oxygen quantum yield (5.2%) under 730 nm laser irradiation. Taking advantage of the strong and broad fluorescence emission, simultaneous NIR-I and NIR-II imaging in one living mouse can be achieved to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two NIR fluorescence imaging modalities. This approach eliminated individual differences and random errors, which can provide a more accurate and reliable result. Through subcutaneous tumor models, it was observed that these highly PEGylated nanoparticles can be efficiently accumulated at the tumor sites after intravenous injection. Performing NIR-I and NIR-II fluorescence imaging with the same tumor-bearing mouse, it was found that NIR-I imaging can provide a higher tumor-to-liver signal ratio, which facilitates the early diagnosis and preliminary localization of subcutaneous tumors. In contrast, NIR-II imaging offers a higher signal-to-background ratio and a higher resolution, which enables clearer delineation of the tumor contour, thus demonstrating greater advantages in fluorescence imaging-guided surgical resection. Additionally, NIR-II imaging can eliminate the interference from the spontaneous fluorescence of the animal fur. Furthermore, the obtained nanoparticles, which integrate photothermal and photodynamic therapy modalities, also exhibiting high phototherapy efficacy for in vivo tumor therapy. The conjugated polymer used here can also be replaced with other desired polymers to achieve other optical applications.

Key words: conjugated polymer, mesoporous silica, NIR-II, phototheranostics, enhanced fluorescence