Chin. J. Org. Chem. ›› 2005, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (06): 684-689. Previous Articles     Next Articles

Original Articles



  1. (四川大学化学学院 成都 610064)
  • 收稿日期:2004-08-05 修回日期:2004-12-21 发布日期:2005-05-30
  • 通讯作者: 蒋柳云

Study on Antioxidative Activities and Quantum Chemistry Calculation of Two Quercetin-zinc Complexes

JIANG Liu-Yun*, LIU Yu-Ming   

  1. (College of Chemistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064)
  • Received:2004-08-05 Revised:2004-12-21 Published:2005-05-30
  • Contact: JIANG Liu-Yun

Two quercetin-zinc complexes were synthesized according to different ratio reactants, and their biological activities were measured by means of pyrogallol autoxidation. The result shows that they have different level antioxidative activities. Quantum chemistry calculations were performed by using Gaussian 98 program at HF/LanL2DZ basis set. The geometry structures, charges, atomic orbital contribution to frontier molecular orbitals, molecular orbital energies and vibrational frequency were discussed. It indicates that they have good stabilities and relatively high different level antioxidative activities, which is consistent with the experimental result.

Key words: complex, quantum chemistry calculation, antioxidative activity