Acta Chimica Sinica ›› 1983, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7): 668-671. Previous Articles    

Original Articles

四氟乙烯齐聚体的反应 四氟乙烯四、五聚体和芳香胺的反应


  1. 中国科学院上海有机化学研究所
  • 发布日期:1983-07-15

Reaction of tetrafluoroethylene oligomer


  • Published:1983-07-15

The reactions of tetrafluoroethylene tetramer (1) and pentamer (2) with aromatic amines, such as aniline and β-naphthylamine are reported. Compound 1 reacted with amiline in molar ratio 1:1 to give 3a and 4a as well as a small amount of 5a, in 1:2 molar ratio to give mainly 4a and 5a and a small amount of 3a and 6a, in 1:3 molar ratio to give 4a and to 5a. Compound 3a can be converted to 4a and 5a by further reaction with aniline in the presence of NEt3 in ether, but 4a was not converted to 5a. Compound 4a reacted with aniline (1:1 molar ratio) in DMF in the presence of KF at 60`C to give mainly 7a and a small amount of 8a. 4a reacted with aniline in DMF at 120-160`C in the presence of KF to give a small amount of the interesting heterocycles 8a, 9a and 10a. Compound 2 similarly reacted with aniline in ehter to give 11a, 12a, 13a and 14a, and with β-naphthylamine to give 11b, 13b, 15b as well as the condensed ring compound 16b. When compound 11a, 12a, were reacted further with aniline in DMF-KF at 50-60C 13a and 15a were formed respectively, indicating that compounds 11a and 12a are the possible intermediates in the formation of both 13b and 15b. Compound 12a reacted with DMF at 120-140`C to give the heterocycle 17a besides 7a and 15a. The structure of all new compounds were establihsed through IR, ^1H and ^1^9F NMR, MS and elemental analyses.


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