有机化学 ›› 2009, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (10): 1487-1498.    下一篇



李亚玺a  郑玉林b  田丰涛a  张勇健a  张万斌*,a   

  1. (a上海交通大学化学化工学院 上海 200240) (b上海新先锋药业有限公司 上海 201203)
  • 收稿日期:2008-02-12 修回日期:2009-02-19 发布日期:2009-03-12

Development of Planar Chiral Diarylphosphino-oxazoline Ligands and Their Applications to Asymmetric Catalysis

Li, Yaxia Zheng, Yulinb Tian, Fengtaoa Zhang, Yong Jiana Zhang, Wanbin*,a   

  1. (a School of Chemistry & Chemical Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240) (b Shanghai Asia Pioneer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201203)
  • Received:2008-02-12 Revised:2009-02-19 Published:2009-03-12

膦-噁唑啉配体形成的催化剂具有出色的催化活性和对映选择性, 被广泛应用于各种不对称催化反应中. 具有面手性的膦-噁唑啉配体是其中重要的一类. 综述了面手性二芳基膦-噁唑啉配体的开发, 并按反应类型介绍了它们在不对称催化反应中的应用.

关键词: 膦-噁唑啉配体, 面手性, 不对称催化, 膦-噁唑啉配体, 面手性, 不对称催化

Phosphino-oxazoline ligands have been widely used in a variety of transition metal catalyzed asymmetric reactions with excellent catalytic activity and enantioselectivity. Planar chiral phosphino- oxazoline ligands are of great importance among them. A comprehensive review on the development of pla-nar chiral diarylphosphino-oxazoline ligands and their applications to enantioselective catalysis was made in this article.

Key words: phosphino-oxazoline ligand, planar chirality, asymmetric catalysis