封面介绍A novel chiral terpyridine Ru(II) complex-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation of ketones has been disclosed by Wang, Liu, Miao, Xue, Zhu, Song, Hao, and Liu on page 1543. With the well-designed Ru(II) complex, the hy-drogenation of a wide range of ketones proceeded smoothly under relative mild reaction conditions, af-fording the corresponding alcohols with excellent isolated yields (up to 99%).
封面介绍The facile synthesis of aryl C-glycosides by nickel-cata- lyzed reductive coupling of glycosyl halides with aryl halides is highlighted by Sun, Liu, Lin, Yao, Tong, and Qian on page 1551. The present method generally re-sulted in the glycosides in excellent overall α/β coupling yields, which is easy to be scalped up as evident in the synthesis of dapagliflozin and its α-anomer.