有机化学 ›› 2023, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (4): 1365-1385.DOI: 10.6023/cjoc202209022 上一篇    下一篇


有机叠氮化合物参与的反应: C—N3基团保留的研究进展

魏芳*(), 余鑫, 肖强*()   

  1. 江西科技师范大学有机功能分子研究所 南昌 330013
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-17 修回日期:2022-10-22 发布日期:2022-11-21
  • 通讯作者: 魏芳, 肖强
  • 基金资助:
    江西省教育厅基金(GJJ190617); 江西科技师范大学博士启动基金(2019BSQD007)

Advances in C—N3 Retention Reactions Involving Organic Azides

Fang Wei(), Xin Yu, Qiang Xiao()   

  1. Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Nanchang 330013
  • Received:2022-09-17 Revised:2022-10-22 Published:2022-11-21
  • Contact: Fang Wei, Qiang Xiao
  • Supported by:
    Education Department of Jiangxi Province(GJJ190617); PhD Start-Up Funds of Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University(2019BSQD007)

有机叠氮化合物在天然产物全合成、药物化学以及材料化学等领域有广泛的应用. 叠氮基团在反应过程中倾向于脱除氮气, 转化为多种多样的含氮杂环以及氨基类化合物, 但在许多天然产物全合成的关键步骤中, 都需要保留叠氮基团. 总结了近二十年有机叠氮化合物参与的反应中C—N3键保留的反应类型, 主要包括环加成反应、与不饱和键的加成、Winstein重排和1,2-叠氮迁移等.

关键词: 有机叠氮化合物, C—N3键, 环加成, 重排

Organic azides are widely used in the total synthesis of natural products, medicinal chemistry and material chemistry. Azides tend to release molecular nitrogen to construct nitrogen-containing heterocycles or amino compounds. However, the retention of azide is necessary in the critical synthesis steps of some natural products. The types of C—N3 retention in organic reactions are summarized, including cycloaddition, addition with unsaturated bond, Winstein rearrangement and 1,2-migration.

Key words: organic azide, C—N3 bond, cycloaddition, rearrangement